Study Sex at Sydney University

Graduate Programs in Sexual Health

Friday, November 7, 2008

Time to think forward to 2009

It has been a while since I posted a message. The program is going well as we prepare for 2009. We are currently taking applications for 2009 semester 1. I would love to hear from any of you who are interested. Feel free to email me (

Looking back on 2008: What have been the highlights of the year?

Firstly, It is exciting to have students from so may parts of the globe. We have students from USA, UK, Ireland, Canada, Egypt, Malta, Cyprus, South Africa, New Zealand and of course all states of Australia.

Secondly, it is exciting to see the work our research students are doing. The main areas of research are
  • Sexuality and Disability
  • Sexual Health Education
  • Cultural and Religious factors and their effect on sexuality and sexual behaviour.
So as we draw 2008 to a close - heres wishing you our readers a Blessed Christmas and a safe and happy holiday

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