Study Sex at Sydney University

Graduate Programs in Sexual Health

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Start of a new year

Semester 1 starts on the 3rd March - Monday.
I feel excited, anxious, aprehensive and very honoured to be the academic coordinator of this program and be able to start >30 students on their journey of learning in sexual health.
Today we had an on-line orientation - we used a software called Adobe Connect - I could sit at home at 7 am with a cup of coffee and share my desk top with students in Australia, Malta and South Africa - amazing.
In the process of setting a "good time" I forgot the time difference in Perth - ooops - Perth students were up early at 5 am!
We have had the usual pre-semester crisis - but we are ready for a great and exciting semester!
Are you interested in joining us for 2009? Do let me know.