Study Sex at Sydney University

Graduate Programs in Sexual Health

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Joys of Sex

This is the most exciting time of semester. We are in week three and the on-line students are getting to know each other. The research students meanwhile are getting their teeth into the juicy meat of sex research!
Our on-line program is based on three foundational principles:
1. Constructivist learning: The focus is on you the learner and we act as a 'coach on the side' rather than the 'sage on the stage'. The students are encouraged to bring your own experiences and knowledge - and build on these.
2. Collaboration: The on-line environment provides the perfect environment for group discussions and chats (although many do manage to catch up for face to face meetings).
3. Community: Ever since we started this program, we have a community of sexual health professionals across the world. Not just students, also professionals, therapists researchers and educators from around the globe.
Heres hoping for many more wonderful years of learning and research
Feel free to contact me anytime
Patricia Weerakoon